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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Homemade Dog Food : How to Make Chicken & Rice Dog Food

Chick-and-Rice is a healthy and light food for dogs that are sick or pancreatitis. Consider offering a lean chicken and brown rice, eat a dog, an animal behaviorist with information from in this free video on dog nutrition. Expert: Elise McMahon Bio: Elise McMahon have a Ph.D. worked in the behavior of animals and has both domestic and wild dogs since the early 1990s. Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso


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Friday, June 25, 2010


FREE Rope dog toys with the purchase of 6LB. Bag by Castor & Pollux Organic Dog Food while supplies last at Au Naturel Market 1708 E. Lincolnway Valparaiso, Indiana (219) 465-1984. www.localbizblogs.com


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Monday, June 21, 2010

Dog Owners Being Warned of Road Salt Toxicity

Mark Watson, a resident of Ottawa, Canada, has been warning dog owners about the dangers of road salt, since he lost his young dog Grover cancer in 2004. Unfortunately, around the same time, two other dogs in the neighborhood had died of cancer so that it lead him, probably leading cause of research. Watson's veterinarian suggested that the toxicity of road salt is likely to blame, because the dogs would often was walking outside, walk on road salt. After his return home, so they would takethis toxic product by licking their paws. In fact, in 2001, salt was as "toxic" in an extensive joint report by Environment Canada and Health Canada. It was a necessary evil to be in the winter to ensure road safety. See: www.hc-sc.gc.ca early 2006, the Sierra Legal Defense Fund and riverbanks Stewardship Alliance, a campaign to reduce road salt use in Ontario to legislate as it has been declared "toxic". For more information: www.riversides.org Watson's crusadeFind a safe and effective alternative to toxic road salt disappointed him. At first he was not a high traction product in North America marketplace that was 100% sure. Further research from around the world led him to a green volcanic mineral-based, that has amazing traction properties and is 100% sure to discover for animal life and the environment. At this point, Watson decided on the tragic events surrounding the loss of his beloved dog by creating a new product that 100% would turn safelyfor ...


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Saturday, June 19, 2010

How to Raise Organic Vegetables : Organic Composting Tips

Compost can help plants thrive in your garden organic. Learn how to make and use organic compost in the garden, with tips on what type of garden and kitchen waste put into your compost heap, in this free gardening video lesson. Expert: Gale Gassiot Bio: Gale Gassiot makes her own organic compost or "black gold of the gardener."


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Thursday, June 17, 2010

[NEWS] Pet Food Alternatives to Recall

After a recall affecting 40 brands of cat food and 50 brands of dog food - including premium brands - PetSmart manager Scott Kinmartin owners informed of organic and holistic alternatives.


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Monday, June 14, 2010

Best Dog Food

dogfoodhere.com The best brands dog food is high quality dog food including natural dog food, organic dog food, Royal Canin Dog Food, Eagle Pack Dog Food, Canidae dog food, Innova dog food and wellness dog food familiar. Get the best dog food delivered to your door. dogfoodhere.com


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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Healthy Dog Foods League City Texas Staring Kiko

www.siteproweb.com Our holistic veterinarian has created not one but two masterpieces of the dog food! We now offer premium canned dog food formulated especially for breakfast and dinner. Your dog will flip for Turkey & Shrimp Breakfast in Broth, a savory omelet-inspired serving of turkey, shrimp, eggs, potatoes, red skin, red peppers and cheddar cheese. And at the end of the day, enjoy the delicious theyll Chicken & Crab Dinner in Sauce, with organic chicken, crab, eggs,Carrots, red skin potatoes, peas and apples in an appetizing sauce.


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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

In Depth Guide to Home Composting (Part 1 of 3)

■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ alturl.com ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ Click above on Get your free $ 500 Home Depot gift card! You can use it to buy stocks! ;) ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ What materials can be composted? Virtually all organic household and garden waste is an elligible candidate for composting although there are afew exceptions. Holidays should be avoided especially meat, fish, bones, fats and oils, dairy products like milk and cheese, dog and cat feces, as these attract animals, create foul odors, as they wear and the reduction of nasty diseases. While weeds and plants can also be included, it is advisable to remove the dry weeds and persisent boll before adding it. Ashes are also best avoided, as well as glossy magazines although shredded paper and cardboard are fine to add. Feel free to add waste fruitvegetables and crushed eggshells, coffee grounds (worms love them!) and tea bags, hair, leaves, grass and other organic waste. As a general rule, when in doubt, leave it be, but most organic waste rotting down quite well, and if you like it or cut it up smaller fragments, it will compost faster. How long is Compost? This depends on the balance of the materials in your compost pile, the weather and the amount of time you can devote to the project. If you want to take an active managementApproach to your composting then you can afully composted ...


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Monday, June 7, 2010

How to Heal Chronic Dog Bladder Concerns Once and For All

Dog Bladder concerns can seriously impact the quality of your dog 's life. If your dog often suffers from bladder stones or urinary tract infections, then you will want to read this article, so you can learn all that, some simple and practical tips for PET stop your suffering once.

When it comes to dog bladder problems, pet owners are very concerned about chronic urinary tract infections or recurrent bladder stones. These painful conditions may mean several visits to the vet and even surgery in some cases, but most importantly, it means that your favorite furry friend is in a lot of pain. We will talk about some simple steps you take to stop this vicious circle can talk, but first, let's look at how these conditions are usually treated.

Dog Bladder concerns are usually treated with antibiotics in. Antibiotics are drugs that suppress the symptoms quickly, but can have serious side effects. Sometimes they can even create your> Dog worse. Even your dog because you can build immunity to antibiotics one, sometimes they work and do not properly heal the body, which sets the stage for chronic problems. Although they are the standard treatment, they are not the best nor the only option.

In contrast, contain natural herbal remedies, specifically on the pH of the bladder (which eliminates bacteria and dissolve bladder stones are restored) and offer the urinary tract with the nutrients itmust stop pain and heal inflamed tissues. The difference between natural remedies and drugs is that remedial measures to heal the body what it needs to give the same drugs and suppress symptoms in the hope that the body will heal itself.

Because natural remedies have no side effects and not with other drugs your pet is the interaction among them are completely harmless, but not all funds are created the same. Look for a money-back guarantee (which shows the company stands behindtheir product). Make sure it contains a formulation of Cantharis, Berberis, Uva Ursi and Staphysagris, the concerns are used to treat bladder highly effective herbal dog. Because these herbs are gentle, they can be used daily to prevent it.

Although a natural remedy will quickly go "to work on your dog's condition, it is important to (support the addition of a healthy diet of organic foods, read the label, especially for chemicals, dyes, meat by-productsFillers, and particularly in commercial dog food brands) and lots of fresh, clean water. As a daily supplement your pet, good food and water, you will help your pet a healthy urinary tract and once and for all, your pet dog free recurring bladder problems.

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Saturday, June 5, 2010

DOG - Dog Food Secrets DOWNLOAD NOW!:

DOWNLOAD NOW!: Secrets Tinyurl.com DOG - Dog Food Urgent Press Release for dog owners: "It pained looks for answers after unexplained death of his dog accidentally Covers & Multi-Billion Dollar Cover-Up for up to 87% of all deaths and Dog ... Now he teaches Dog ...


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Friday, June 4, 2010

The Advantages of Feeding Dried Dog Food As Part of a Regular Diet

There are a lot of discussion for some time about the advantages of dry dog food to wet. Providing you choose wisely, a complete nutritional mixture is easy all the minerals, vitamins and nutrients also needs to keep state for your dog at peak times. Apart from anything else, the main advantages of dry food is one of, that it actually keeps their teeth free of tartar to a good oral hygiene and the provision of exercise for the jawArea.

One of the most important things to check if your choice of purchase is to have all labels and packaging very carefully where they with, whether it is a complete diet or one that is used in conjunction with meat proteins, or perhaps the will to be fed, read addition of fresh fish and vegetables. All statements that are clearly marked and feeding, particular attention should be paid for your dog to weight and the ratio of dry dog food requires thatform a complete meal. Obviously dried dog food, has a negligible amount of water so it goes without saying that drinking water should be fresh always water standing for all times of the day, and a simple exercise to perform disposal may be that if the dry food swells rapidly when mixed with water, it means so that it contains too many products and should probably be avoided if at all possible.

The mixture should contain vitamins E, D and A together with magnesium and calcium, essential minerals and make sure that it is also the amino acid taurine, which is responsible for the health of both the vision and heart. There may be foods, several different ingredients in dry dog food that are usually cheaper rice and beef to be based on the consideration that the quality of food containing poultry and there are now more organic versions on the market. It is important to mark not only beneficial to health in all aspects, but one that in the search for> Dog finds tasty and otherwise enjoys feeding food that is knocked off balance and the dog is very unhappy.

It is interesting to note that in some cases owners prefer extra money to "goodies" that represent absolutely no nutritional value and tend to be loaded with sugar and other unwanted ingredients. This practice, sometimes also compensate for the owners of long absences during the day should certainly not be part of a balancedhealthy food and treats should be given all the quality of a completely natural form as the choice of a high-dried dog food and natural food your dog extra in top condition to get into and live a long and healthy life.

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Homemade Dog Food : Foods That Are Toxic to Dogs

Foods toxic to dogs include grapes, raisins, onions, chocolate and macadamia nuts. Avoid these foods feeding of dogs to diet-related diseases with information from an animal behaviorist in this free video on dog food to prevent. Expert: Elise McMahon Bio: Elise McMahon has a Ph.D. worked in the behavior of animals and has both domestic and wild dogs since the early 1990s. Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso


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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Raw Food Episode 13 - David Wolfe on Vegetables

In this outtake from "Supercharge Me!" Jenna Norwood interviews popular raw food author and speaker David Wolfe. Wolfe speaks about gardening, juicing, raw food and the importance of eating fresh, organic green vegetables. Find out how many organic products in areas where it does not seem to get readily available. A great clip!


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